Over the years, I have received a number of messages from photographers who want to take their business to the next level. That is AWESOME. I love the opportunity to invest in incredible people chasing their passion…when they are ready to invest in that passion. The key is that investment.
Unfortunately the best things in life are not free, and valuable education is included in that. As much as I’d love having a new friend shadow me at every wedding, I just cannot invest in teaching and training someone while serving my clients to the fullest.
A Worth-It Solution
But I created a solution. I created a mentor program for photographers of all skill levels. It is a space for you and I to dive deep into who YOU are and who YOU want to be as a photographer. And for me to help you get there. The best version of YOU!
I also am still investing in my education! I take classes or do a mentor session every single year to grow my skills. I choose incredibly inspiring photographers across the country who specialize in areas in which I’d like to grow. Yes, I’ve photographed hundreds and hundreds of weddings, but I want to serve my clients to the fullest so I pay for continuing education. There are so many incredible resources out there to teach me how to do my job and my business even better so I invest in that..
Here are 4 reasons why I’d encourage you to make an investment in professional development too:
1. Personalized Instruction
I find great value in working with someone to improve my specific skills and areas of opportunity. I know every person sees things uniquely. God made us all different. Personalized instruction helps me, and you, identify strengths and learn specific ways, unique to us, to develop them.
I get so excited to work with a photographer who is ready to take their business to the next level. Because I know that the next level is going to be a stronger version of themselves and what they already love and believe in.
Mentor sessions are ALL about growing YOU and YOUR business, not copying the mentor. Every photographer is different and has different strengths. A mentor session should help you develop those strengths!
I’ve mentored a lot of photographers over the years and it is so fun to see their business booming in a way that expresses each photographer and their goals!
2. Future Resource
Not only do you grow so much after one, two, three mentor sessions, you also have an on-going resource and a relationship with the mentor!
I love when my mentor clients reach out to me. I love critiquing galleries, celebrating the wins, and answering their questions for months and years after our mentor session!
Maybe you want some input on a new equipment decision, or have a question on how to handle specific situations, or advice on lighting, and a list of other things.
I love that my mentor clients consider me a personal “Photography Google”- except one that knows THEIR vision.
3. Professional Development Is A Shorter Path To Better Results
One of my favorite things about a mentor session is that you not only gain so much experience, you also avoid lost time and trial and error situations.
I think everyone can think of a situation they wish they could have handled differently (or avoided altogether!). What if you could avoid that? By skipping the “learning on your own or trial by fire” period, you can save years of your business growing pains by skipping straight to being knowledgeable, confident, and secure.
My business grew as fast as it did because I invested in learning right away- and I will never regret it!
4. Your Professional Development Investment Pays You Back
When you’re a small business owner you begin to see how investment makes you money!
I know it seems weird to pay out money for something and see it as profit. But it is true!
You may not see it right away, but when your business starts doubling, tripling, or more in response to your increased knowledge and skills, you will see it. Because when you invest, potential clients notice. Everything about your business becomes stronger, more appealing, and overall better.
My heart is to help you see the worth in investing! I want you and your business to THRIVE! (And maybe skip a few of the growing pains.) After running my photography business for almost ten years, I have so much joy in teaching and training other photographers and I want you to feel valued and invested in!
If you can always get better, how good is your best? Invest and see.