I will not fault you one bit if you admit you have had a day (or twenty) of your senior year where you find yourself not listening. You don’t start the day with the goal to ignore the voice at the front of the room, but, somehow, this year, especially it has happened. Blame it on day dreaming or senioritis. I totally get it. And to the brides out there, I understand that A LOT of people are giving you their opinion, lots of talking at you. Some of the opinions you asked for. Some, not so much. But can I ask you a favor? Will you find a happy spot, put all other thoughts, all tasks, aside for five minutes, and listen to what I’m about to remind you about yourself before your photo session?
Since you agreed and I know you’re busy, I’ll get right into it:
1.There is only one you.
Out of the 7.7 billion people on the earth there is really, truly, no-kidding, no-joke only one you like you. You have no identical twin (and even if you technically do have a genetic, identical twin they are NOT exactly like you in every way).
There is no one else who is one hundred percent like you. Not in your town, your state, this country, or the world. You are uniquely you.
2. You make a difference in this world.
There is a reason that no other person on this spinning rock is exactly like you. It’s because you make a difference in this world. Without you the world would be totally without your thoughts, your laugh, your sense of humor, your outlook, your big brain, your strength, your talents, your challenges, your ideas, and your efforts.
Your existence makes a difference in this world. God does not make mistakes. He has a plan and He wishes for you to be a part of that plan and make a difference or you would not be here. Nothing slips through the cracks with the Creator of the universe. He is very intentional.
Now remember you promised to not treat me like your teacher or that other wedding vendor (ha) and tune me out? Okay. Get this: God is so careful that His creation of the earth is the exact right distance from the sun. Exactly. If our globe received even 1% more heat energy from the sun it would be too hot and just 1% less – too cold to sustain life! God is very exacting. He designs things on purpose. And He made you.
He knows you make a difference in this world and He’s rooting for you. I know you make a difference. Your very presence in my life makes a difference.
3. You are beautiful or handsome.
Let me say that again. You are beautiful. You are handsome.
I’m not entirely certain how to put this truth into words. But I feel it way deep down and to the tips of my toes. You are beautiful. I know you. I’ve seen you. And I know this to be true. I have never, ever, ever seen someone who God didn’t make beautiful or handsome. There are so many, MANY things to admire in each unique person. So many attributes, features, combinations, and quirks that make each person uniquely created by God.
And do you agree that someone’s personality or character makes that beauty shine even brighter? It’s like magic.
I’d love for you to believe that God is so big He didn’t make ONE mistake in making you. You can start with believing it today, and throwing away the lies that you told yourself yesterday.
I am blessed to spend time with lots and lots of seniors, brides, grooms, sisters, babies, families, girls and boys, young and old in front of and behind my camera. Somehow, during a session I get photographs taken even though I mainly remember the conversations and the fun. And then somehow couples and seniors love how “good my photos are”.
Guess what? It’s not my photos. Let me remind you about yourself. I’m capturing YOU. An unending variety of things: Beauty. Strength. Vulnerability. Focus. Joy. Purpose. YOU are what makes the photo. Bringing YOU out in a session is the most important thing to me, because these photos represent YOU and how amazing God made you.
It comes out on prints because you are handsome and beautiful.
4. Some days are difficult, but there is purpose in the yucky stuff.
In high school it can feel like days are more lemons than lemonade. And on those rough days even if you wanted to make that lemonade there does not seem to be enough sweetness in the world to be found. I remember it. It wasn’t that long ago for me. (Well, at least it doesn’t feel like that long ago.)
I love to capture your raw self. So sometimes that means embracing those lemon days. Photographing your face of courage and hope. It’s okay if you’re not laughing in every photo, because that isn’t real life. Trials shape us.
The same goes for an engagement session or a wedding shoot. I love capturing who you are. Your playfulness and goofiness, but also your intimate moments. When a couple is just being together.
The far off look in senior’s eyes when they don’t know the answer to the question, “So what are you doing after graduation.” It’s beautiful because “rough is real.” And real is beautiful.
Life often gets really rough.
I would love for you to hear me say, “It’s okay to not feel okay.” There will be days that you never want to see repeated. And thanks to the spinning of that perfectly placed sun and earth (you were paying attention to that part earlier, right) there won’t be any two identical days.
Just because you’re planning a wedding with someone you love, to be surrounded by people you love, doesn’t mean every day will feel lovely.
Sometimes you just have to wait for tomorrow. Take heart in knowing that nothing is outside of God’s love for you and He can turn anything around. There is purpose in the yucky stuff. It’s not always seen right away. But there is purpose in the pain.
5. You are loved by God.
Above all else remember this: God loves you.
He made you and He loves you. He gave up His Son so that we can spend eternity with Him, even though we have done nothing to deserve it. And He wants to hear from you-the beautiful creation He made. He wants a relationship with you.
I hate to spoil it for the happy couple, but God loves you more than you love your spouse on your wedding day! Imagine! That seems impossible. But it’s true. And there’s nothing you can do to make Him stop.
God loves you more than a senior will love walking across that stage knowing they did it.
In the bible in a book towards the back called 1st John, in chapter four, verse nineteen, we are reminded that “We love because he first loved us.”
This life began because God loves us. And He loves you.
Imagine God in the kitchen of heaven. He is able to make anything He wants. All ingredients, flavors, shapes and sizes are at His disposal. And He chose to make you.
So as you prepare for your photo session, please remember these five things: there is only one you who makes a difference in this world. You are handsome. You are beautiful. Not every day will be easy, but there’s purpose in the hard stuff too. And most of all, you are loved by God. Let’s be real in front of my camera.
Praising God over these truths.