Did you realize that small businesses comprise 99.9% of all American businesses? It’s not Nike, Netflix, or Disney that employs almost 59 million people total. It is small businesses. And, lately, the smallest of the small business were the ones that added the largest gains–those employing less than 20 employees. With the invention of the internet, it has never been easier to start limiting your potential and to get the word out about a small business. What a great time for people to explore their God-given talents in service to others!
I love being a small business owner, but I will admit I haven’t always approached it in the best way. I bought into some lies that kept me and my business from being the best it could be.
These last few months reminded me how important it is to invest in myself professionally! I think this realization is prompted by leading my first workshop, as well as doing a mentor session with a photographer I really admire.
While teaching and learning, I was reminded HOW IMPORTANT it is to invest in myself professionally. When I first started doing photography, I saw opportunities for workshops, mentor sessions, etc., but I wasn’t interested. I found myself believing lies about professional development, specifically three separate lies. Now four years later, I am jotting down these annoying beliefs to help you (and me) avoid them. Let’s kick them to the curb and run after what we love. The three lies I believed that held me back were:
1. I know my stuff. This is good enough.
This one. Ugh. I can’t remember how many times in the first year I thought this. I wonder why. Maybe the fear of investigating what I didn’t know was too much? I’m not entirely sure.
When I thought about investing in nicer gear, education, or attending a workshop, I remember repeating this lie to myself. I told myself I had no intention of becoming a photographer. In fact, I didn’t even know it could be a full-time job! So good was good enough.
I was content snapping photos with my point and shoot, taking payment of the amount decided by the client, and editing them on my IPAD. YIKES! For my first few months of messing around on my camera, that’s what I did. It was good enough for me. The lie!
We really don’t know the potential of the opportunities we have. God has plans that are SO much better than ours! Big, giant, awesome plans.
If you feel God pressing on you to invest in what you love, DO IT. Obey Him! Your “enough” might not be His “enough.” He may want to use your talents (that He gave you, by the way) to bless others in such a larger capacity. One bigger than you can even imagine. Stop limiting your potential!
I am so thankful I started my own business, bought gear, spent a lot of time and money on education, and got rid of that old IPAD. 😉
2. Investing in myself costs too much. (Psst! This is limiting your potential!)
This one is deceiving. Sometimes it’s hard to see the value of something when we don’t get a new product in return. For instance, when you invest in learning, it seems like you are walking away with just a notebook full of notes. But is that true? Is the value of that experience determined on that page or in your heart and mind?
I think those notes are worth EVERY PENNY and more because they represent learning! My notebook has improved the entire experience I offer my clients, as well as the printed product they receive. And because of that, God brings more business my way. I wish I had believed sooner to invest in myself.
I’m not telling you to be rash and do something that will blow the entire budget or set you on a path towards bankruptcy, but take the time to invest those dollars into yourself and the plan God has for you.
3. Why take time to invest in myself when I can keep investing in others?
Why invest in myself when it’s easier to see the result when I invest in someone else?
Sometimes I had trouble seeing the value of time. The value of time spent on me and my business and my ideas. Sometimes I thought it was so selfish of me to go away to a workshop, take an online-class, etc. when I instead could be helping or working on a product for someone else. I can’t afford to invest in me when I could be investing in them. Sound like a lie? It was.
When you invest in yourself, you investing in others. You’re improving the overall experience for your clients because you are LEARNING HOW TO.
Certain professions require professional classes each year, i.e. doctors, real estate agents, and teachers. Now I basically “require” it of myself.
I am glad that I realized this was a lie when I did. Now I love professional development because I know it enables me to give more to the people I love- my clients. I want to be my best for them. Yes, I want to give them all that I have. I want to stop limiting my potential. And I never want to stop learning so I can glorify God through what I do.
Friends, these lies are the WORST, but so believable. Satan wants to keep you and me from glorifying God. Let’s not let him. In fact let’s kick him in the face and run with our amazing God whose plans are so much higher than ours.
After I write this, I am going to spend some time praying about what areas I can grow in more and asking Him to lead me through this entire life as a businesswoman. God is truth. In Him there are no lies. Join me in praying to know His truth!